However, in this particular instance, I feel that it is my humanitarian duty to share with potential fathers/husbands some important skills on how to be completely adorable (and awesome). Because Willis is just that.
(I know. Gross. Sorry.)
It's important information, though. Pay attention.
First off, work hard at your day job, but make your family a priority. Spend time with your wife and your kids. (I didn't feel like that necessarily warranted a picture, but it's a major point.)
Secondly, and I know it's totally cliché, but change your kids' diapers. Seriously. Even if they are cloth diapers. Just do it. The ladies will notice. Poo is gross, but if you wash your hands afterward, it won't kill you.

Secondly, try to at least learn to cook, and actually do it. Even on a week night. Even if you worked all day. Even if it's just grilled cheese. (Willi's actually quite good at cooking, now, by the way, but I digress.)

And the most adorable thing a guy can do on this earth? Load up all of the kids and take them to the grocery store for a serious, real grocery run while Mom gets to stay back and accomplish a couple of things . . . and maybe take a shower. (Mom may even do something others would consider "manly" like mow the lawn or something. You never know.)

Oh, and for extra credit, do all of those things in one day sometimes. That's hot.
Bookmark it, boys.
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