Sunday, November 20, 2011

Death by Stairs

My posts over the next month are going to be fairly limited as I tend to spend a lot of time making homemade Christmas gifts this time of year. Plus, I have a day job that isn't parenting that I do while I'm parenting. So, enjoy this one while you can! I plan to pick this thing up again when I finish up all my work and Christmas stuff!

My laundry room is down in my basement. The majority of my kids' toys are in the basement as well. So, every time I bring laundry downstairs, there's a significant risk of death or paralysis.

Also, note that my cat is darting under my feet at that exact moment, as well. He's cool like that. And, by cool, I mean heinous.

So . . . if nobody can find me, I could be lying on the basement floor amidst toys and laundry. Note that, please. Thanks.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Total. System. Reboot.

As much as I complain about the nuttiness of this household, nothing could've prepared me for the love overload that happens whenever I see this:

There is pretty much nothing in life that compares.

And, that's the face I make when it happens. Total. System. Reboot.

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Baby-Proofing is Not Enough

In case you're lacking in climbing, crazy, little boys in your household, let me just give you a little peek.

Yep. This stuff happens. A lot. In fact, if you have this going on, you actually get to a point where you say a little prayer of "thanks" to God when kids like this make it to their next birthday.